Upfor grabs is a pair of new men's size 8.5 2E (Extra-Wide) Thorogood8" American HeritageMOC Safety Steel Toe "Trail Crazyhorse Full-Grained Leather" work boots, a product that is proudly made in theUnited Statesof America.Please note, these boots are not only factory 2nd, butalso have adefect, where the leather was not properly soled on the toe of the left boot, as pictured (photo 3, 6, 7). The boot price has been greatly reduced to reflect the defect.Please make sure to inspect all twelve high-resolution photos and ask all questions before purchase. These bootswill arrive new, and without any shoe box. [804-3898]These boots are factory 2nd stockand areGUARANTEED 100% AUTHENTIC!Union Manufactured in the UnitedStates of America!ASTM F2413-11 M I/75/C75 Steel ToeMeets or exceedsANSI/ASTM I75 & C75standards for electrical hazard protection from open circuits.My apologies, but unfortunately, these shoes have a no return policy. Once they are sold, this is a final sale.**Thorogoods logo, text, graphics, and photo images are the property of Weinbrenner Shoes Company, and are used with permission.**We ship Thorogood products only to customers within the US.**Lango Shoe's is an independent distributor that is in no way affiliated with the Weinbrenner/Thorogood Shoe Company, or Brand.
Thorogood american heritage 8" waterproof steel toe boot [804-3898]defect 8.5 2e